
Carribean carnival time this weekend, although so far the weather isn't playing ball ... all part of the fun of a Manchester summer though. At least the rain is a bit warmer than usual...
In any case, I'm feeling pretty good - had an extremely hectic week during which all the remaining photography for the upcoming exhibition was completed. Still have a lot of film to develop and prints to make and frame, but it all seems relatively managable now.
One of the last two subjects for the project was an astronomer at Jodrell Bank observatory, and I had an extremely interesting day following him around. Part of that was getting to go up onto the surface of the giant radio telescope they have there - a totally surreal experience, and probably the most fun I've had all year. Will post photos from that soon.
In other news, very much addicted to the second season of The Wire currently airing here. Best teevee evah.
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