Smoke & Mirrors

So, here's something a bit different. These are from a new series of abstracts I've started recently.

The idea for these popped into being pretty much fully formed, which is fairly unusual for me - typically I have to drag anything new out of my head bloodied and screaming. At the same time I'm suspicious of the whole thing, and I've been really clueless as to what anyone would make of this series.
Having had six 12x12 prints tacked up on my wall for the last week though, I've come to the profound realisation that I, well, sorta like 'em.
Away from photography for a sec here - getting the new Stray Light record finished has been a bit more like my usual experience of the creative process, i.e. a long hard slog, akin to pushing a boulder uphill. It is (really) almost there now though, and it's even acquired a name now - Waves Broken - which seems like a big step towards completeness...
Distracting me from, like, making things has been the fine chap who has put the entire series of The Larry Sanders Show up on YouTube. Just fantastic stuff.
This week: reading, Hubbub: Filth, Noise & Stench in England 1600-1770 by Emily Cockayne (a good addition to my daily dose of Pepys' Diary) and looking at Alex Webb's new photobook, Istanbul: City of a Hundred Names. Listening, Wire's 154 and pretty much anything by Pere Ubu.
Beautiful as always David.
Thanks for the Larry S link.
It's my favorite show of all to Dexter!
wow did surprise me when I made my daily check I have to say...and a pleasant surprise at that! Interesting project. I like them both but the second one is magical...hope to see more here at some stage.
Great musical choice haven't listened to any Pere Ubu for many a year...the time is now I think!
I've been pleasantly surprised by people's response to this series so far - I was sort of expecting to be run out of town.
Pere Ubu are a strange band - one fantastic LP in the seventies, then 20 years when they seemed to go a bit MOR, then late nineties and straight back on form with 'Pennsylvania' and everything since then...
I even (very tenuously) quoted a line from Pere Ubu in my Masters' dissertation!
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