Heavy Metal

It occurred to me recently that I don't have many photos that I'm happy with from around Manchester - don't know why this should be really, I do find the place constantly stimulating, but maybe just too visually familiar...
I'm also aware how badly I'm doing with keeping the blog up to date, working on new pictures, etc ... mainly due to my platinum printing adventures. It's all turned out to be quite the challenge (or the digital negative portion of it at least) and I must admit to becoming a tad obsessive about cracking the problem. I've probably had a few too many late nights peering into trays of potassium oxalate now.
More posts & more pictures soon - honest.
I guess we can't always be as productive as we would like....what you do post is quality though and this is a case in point...beautiful shot. I have seen photos of this building before but I love this. Phil
Heck, you're posting far more than me lately and you have a better excuse!
Lovely as always, Mr. Bennett.
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