Lay of the Land

[See this picture at a larger size in the Empty Places section of the gallery.]
I've just found a lovely copy of Roger Ballen's book Outland - fascinating, dark stuff. I was already familiar with his more recent work (as in Shadow Chamber) which comprises people and animals in constructed, almost sculptural, environments but Outland covers the more photojournalistic start of his career covering rural South Africa (and stylistically owing quite a bit to Diane Arbus) and then segues into his current mode. This actually makes it all the more disturbing as the line between the real and the staged is really not as clear as you might expect, and equally bizarre on both sides. Recommended, but perhaps not right before bedtime.
In contrast, just got the new Yo La Tengo CD and it's giving me a happy. As is the new series of The Wire - as I may have mentioned before: best TV ever.
Few other bits of foto ephemera: Alec Soth has a blog. The new Shots is just out, featuring Susan, Gordon and others - as good as ever.
I'll be away from home and internetless for a few days starting tomorrow, will be back to catch up with things over the weekend.
EDIT: Just noticed that Gayla agrees with me about The Wire!
this is so beautiful David.
Thanks for the shots plug. I still haven't seen it, as it appears I'm the last in the world to get my subscription copy. :(
this is so beautiful David.
Thanks for the shots plug. I still haven't seen it, as it appears I'm the last in the world to get my subscription copy. :(
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