Odds and Ends

[See this picture at a larger size in the West section of the gallery]
Some random thoughts this afternoon...
Just got back from a brief trip to London - saw the Rinko Kawauchi show at the Photographer's Gallery, which I liked quite a lot despite not really knowing why. Her light, translucent tones and colours are a long way from my own work, which made it aesthetically refreshing ... in fact I was inspired afterwards to have a sushi lunch and thought the photos were the visual equivalent of the gari inbetween the maki, if you follow my drift.
Something possibly even more interesting is that the Photographer's Gallery bookstore has a lot of interesting Japanese photography books to accompany the exhibition - many of which are usually very hard to obtain, and extremely interesting to look through.
I've carried a Moleskine notebook everywhere with me for many years now, but wasn't really aware of their cult following - check out moleskinerie.com if you don't believe me. Some of the stuff on there does make me feel rather inadequate for just plain writing in mine though...
The photo this entry is from Salvation Mountain - a vast piece of devotional folk art near the Salton Sea in California, built by one man over several decades. There'll be a few more photos from here when I finally get the web gallery up - it's coming. Honest.
classic. I've seen other pics of Salvation Mountain, but this one tops the cake.
I've just noticed that I used the word "interesting" no less than three times in one sentence in this posting - oh dear! I can't even use the excuse of posting whilst excessively tired or drunk ... mea culpa! Just trying to be, well, interesting!
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