
Christina Falise was good enough to send me this picture of my print (it's this one) at the opening of the After Life show at the Watson Gallery in Texas, so I thought I'd post it.
Sorry that I've not updated for a while. I've been pretty busy, but I'm working through a lot of new photos now, so should be posting a bit more soon.
In the meantime, I can highly recommend getting hold of the new Jonathan Meades Collection DVD set. It was originally billed as a complete works boxset, but for some reason ended up as a seemingly random selection from Abroad, Abroad Again etc... For those of you not familiar with Meades ... well, I could try and describe his programmes by saying something like "intelligent discussion of the built environment combined with surreal humour", but you'd probably be best off heading over to The Meades Shrine on YouTube where you can see practically his entire TV output...