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I can - a bit belatedly - report that a good time was had at Rhubarb. There was a bit of a feeling of deja vu about it - it did seem like mostly the same faces from last year, and a lot of the same work too. I thought it was quieter too, probably reflecting the state of the photography market at the moment ... and certainly the American contingent was notably lacking this year. I did still manage to go to the pub before the portfolio promenade with photographers from Korea, Holland, Hong Kong, Belgium and Israel though!
After a peculiar - and often horrible - first half of this year, I have been getting down to some more serious work lately. Hopefully Radium Street will feel like its complete shortly, and I'll start to show some work from the new series that is just getting going. Musically things are moving apace too ... although for some reason all the new songs we have at the moment are lumbered with working titles like: 'Voice of the Lebanese Snow Tortoise', 'Toad Mafia', 'Saudi Copyright Infringement', etc... What this says about us I really can't imagine...
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