Friday, October 21, 2005

Getting Things In A Row


I seem to be going through a quiet patch - I could say something about "a period of consolidation" if I want to sound self-important. Been spending most of my time recently doing dull, but probably necessary, things like archiving my negatives and making a new portfolio, rather than actually taking any photographs.

Of course that's freed up more time for important stuff like telly! I'm sticking by my previous endorsement of The Wire as a work of rare genius - and will add in a recommendation for the miniseries that preceded it, The Corner - totally subtle, brilliant, and devastating. I've also been sucked into Veronica Mars, which is valiantly doing that Buffy thing of being so very dark and clever under a shiny genre cover (teen detective in sunny CA!).

In photo news, sad to hear that AgfaPhoto seem set to go out of business - all the Dungeness pictures were shot on their APX100 film stock, which I like a lot. On a personal plus, the Day In The Life exhibition has been confirmed for Edinburgh in April, and also the British Association Festival of Science in September 2006 - I'm also being commissioned to expand it with four new subjects. Really happy about all that.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005



So, after much ado, the thoroughly overhauled Dungeness gallery is up ... much happier with it now. In other news, it now seems likely that the Day In The Life exhibition will be going to the Edinburgh Science Festival next Spring - amazingly I've never been north of the border, so this should be a good excuse for a Scottish sojourn.

New Fall album out this week. Lovely.