Downed Tools

I'm feeling pretty bad about the inactivity here - partly due to the constant rain we've been having the last few months, not being well for a bit, being occupied with other things ... and, yes, partly due also to yours truly being an idle sod.
Anyway - I can assure you that I've got quite a lot of interesting things lined up for the rest of the year, so there should be something to get your teeth into a bit more regularly here. In the meantime, I'm still plugging away on the abstract series - here's one from this last week:

Although my favourite is still this one from a few weeks back.
Completely randomly - I think that this might be one of the strangest pop songs ever (although Animals from the same record maybe beats it ... and there are a couple on the new Stray Light record that go to weird places!). The whole concert is up there and well worth watching as an adjunct to Stop Making Sense, the best music film ever made.
My thanks to Gregg Arnold - creator of Giganticus Headicus out in Kingman, Arizona - who emailed me this week to say he liked my photo of the big fella. Nifty!